Kemp Klein

In Pro Bono With Ed Nahhat clients, lawyers, and anyone who finds it interesting can catch personal profiles and inspiring stories about adventures in the law and the challenges and personal rewards of having a career in it.  We’ll also talk with notable guests and experts outside of Kemp Klein as we paint a picture of what an effective legal team encounters and can accomplish together.

Please note, information is meant for entertainment purposes only.  For a legal opinion, please contact any attorney here at the firm.

The client comes before the law, not above it.  The Pro Bono podcast is a chance for me to give back to clients and peers after 30 years plus of practice.  Here we get to talk openly about what legal careers mean to us, what inspires us every day, how we fight for our clients and how we stand up for legal principles in society.  I hope it inspires you, too.

Pro Bono Host Ed Nahhat

Pro Bono With Ed Nahhat Episode 01 - Joseph P. Buttiglieri

We were thrilled to speak with Kemp Klein’s Joe Buttiglieri, an esteemed lawyer with an impressive 48 years of legal experience. Our conversation spanned various aspects of Joe’s career, his approach to law, and the significant changes he’s witnessed in the legal profession.

Joe provides us with insights that everyone can relate to, including:

  • Joe began his career back in 1976, a time before the internet and email. He reminisced about the days when communication was primarily through phone calls and letters, and how the advent of technologies required lawyers to adapt.
  • We also learn about Joe’s motivation for pursuing a career in law, his views on the law as a tool for maintaining a civil society, especially given his formative years during the 1960s.
  • Our discussion not only sheds light on Joe’s success as a litigator and sought-after mediator, but also offers valuable lessons on adaptability, respect, and the enduring importance of personal integrity in the practice of law.

Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE)

More info on the Kemp Klein Law Firm can be found at