Kemp Klein

Who's In Your Wallet?

Your identity can be stolen through physical means (a wallet, purse or credit card) or more covertly via computer, discarded checks or social security numbers given over the phone. Sometimes, credit card companies will notify you of unusual usage and stop the charges before any harm is done. Other times, you’ll need to take further action.

You should make a photocopy of all personal identification and any credit/debit cards in your wallet (both front and back). Keep the copies in a safe location where you or someone you trust can access them. That way, if your wallet or purse is stolen, you will be able to identify yourself to authorities and banks. More important, you will have the phone numbers of all companies to notify of the theft. This is especially useful to do if you are traveling out of state or out of the country.

To avoid identity theft

The U.S. Department of Justice says to remember the word SCAM:
S Be stingy about giving out your personal information to others.
C Check your bank, credit card and other financial statements regularly.
A Ask periodically for a copy of your credit report.
M Maintain careful records of your banking and financial accounts.

If you are a victim of identity theft

The Federal Trade Commission recommends the following four actions:

  1. Place a fraud alert on your credit reports, and review your credit reports.
  2. Close the accounts that you know, or believe, have been tampered with.
  3. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.
  4. File a report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place.

Be sure to keep a detailed record with notes of your conversations and copies of all correspondence.

Here are the governments consumer website with tips about how to prevent and/or respond to identity theft:

For further information regarding these matters, please contact Mr. Castelli at 248 740 5668 or via email.