Settlement Opportunity Without Court Appearances
Our Focus
Kemp Klein attorneys have experience in various forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), an exciting and growing area in the law. ADR provides people in disputes with the opportunity to participate in settings other than the traditional courtroom in order to allow for thoughtful and creative input from all of the parties and their attorneys in mutual efforts to reach settlement.
Why Choose Kemp Klein?
In addition to their regular practice, a number of our litigation partners also serve as court-selected and private mediators, arbitrators and case evaluators and all of our litigators have represented clients in ADR proceedings.
More than ever, courts, litigants and attorneys are turning to ADR as a method of avoiding the strict rules, delay, uncertainty and costs that are associated with traditional litigation in favor of more relaxed and informal, but equally effective, options for resolution of cases. Kemp Klein can help.
Our Approach
Kemp Klein litigation lawyers have extensive experience in helping clients understand and select which ADR options are most appropriate for their particular needs. They assist clients through the selected process in a collaborative manner and effectively represent their interests.