Kemp Klein


Probate Petitions for Instructions and Res Judicata

-Michigan Probate and Estate Planning Journal, Spring 2019



Social Security Benefits and the IRS Stretch Levy

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, October 2018



Drafting and Litigating In Terrorem Clauses – Map Through the Minefield

This article was featured in Laches, Oakland County Bar Association magazine, February 2018.



Conflicts of Interest in Estate Planning and Litigation (Or “How Many Hats Are Too Many?”)

This article appeared in Michigan Probate & Estate Planning Journal, Winter 2016 edition



Tax Law History – How Britain Tried to Intimidate the Colonial Taxpayers Into Compliance

-Published in the Journal of the American Revolution Annual Volume 2017



Tax Law History – How John Adams Won John Hancock’s Tax Trial

-Published in Journal of the American Revolution, August 2016



Infectious Tax Liabilities

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, May 2016



Valuation Concerns Under Section 7403 

-Published in Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, March / April 2015