Month: March 2024
Kemp Klein IT Manager Geri Hames Performs Humanitarian Work in Nicaragua

I was in Nicaragua from February 29-March 8 with Amigos for Christ. They’re a Christian humanitarian organization that works in communities near Chinandega, Nicaragua, providing clean water to homes and helping local farmers bring their products to market and become Certified Organic farms. I traveled with my friend Sandy who has been on several trips to Chinandega with Amigos.
The Climb up Maderas Volcano
At the beginning of the trip, Sandy and I ran Fuego Y Agua, an ultra-trail race on the island of Ometepe with about 15 of our Amigos teammates. The island is made up of two volcanoes, Conception and Maderas. The race we ran was 28 kilometers. Parts of it were on a beach, rocky road and a significant part climbing and descending the Maderas volcano. It was 87 degrees when the race started in the morning and the temperature rose to 94 during the day. We got a little shade and slightly lower temperatures as we climbed the volcano, but it was still HOT compared to the weather we trained in here at home. We made it to about half a mile past the last checkpoint on the volcano before we decided to turn around. Quite a few other race participants turned back before we did. The last group we spoke with said the top of the volcano was all mud that required you to crawl on the rim of the crater while holding a rope so you didn’t slide off the side. It took us an hour to climb the previous mile and we had about another hour before we made it to the top. We decided we didn’t have another hour of climbing left in us. The 4.5 mile descent was every bit as hard as the climb. When we returned to the aid station where our team truck was waiting for us, we had covered 24 kilometers. I had refilled my hydration pack at the 10k mark and had no water left when we returned to the aid station. It’s a tough, tough race and not like anything I’ve ever done before or will ever do again.
We spent the rest of our trip working in La Cuncha outside Chinandega and on the Amigos Farm. All the families in the community currently get water from a contaminated well. We broke ground on a water project that will connect homes to a clean water system about 4 miles away. It will take about 5 months to complete with the local s doing a significant part of the work and other churches and groups helping at other times. We dug about ½ mile of trenches and laid pipes in very rocky ground. We had to chip away at it, inch by inch with pickaxes. It was hard work in 90-97 degree temperatures! The locals who joined us were amazing. A 90 year old woman even joined us one day, working in a skirt and flip flops. That’s a pretty normal occurrence there. Everyone helps everyone else. We also worked one day at the Amigos farm, harvesting curcumin. The root of the curcumin plant contains “fingers” of turmeric. We harvested about 300 pounds of turmeric while we were there. We also planted 3000 hot pepper plants. The peppers harvested from the plants later this year are already under contract to the Tabasco company.
It was an amazing experience with some incredible people who feel called to do a small part in making the world a better place.
IRS’s Heavy Oversight of Tax Preparers Creates Chilling Effect
–Published in Bloomberg Tax, March 21, 2024

Kemp Klein Nominated at the Troy Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards for the Community Impact Award
Kemp Klein is honored to be nominated in the Troy Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards presented by Horizon Bank for the Community Impact Award. We received this nomination recognition and kind letter to commemorate the occasion.
The Community Impact Award recognizes organizations and companies that are positively impacting their communities in ways that inspire integrity and respond creatively to needs in underserved communities.
The nomination reads: ”The Kemp Klein Law Firm has made a significant impact in the community. Their recent Golf Outing Benefitted SAY Detroit, which provides housing and needs for people in underserved communities. They have also sponsored many community events for local initiatives such as Stage Nature Center, Oakland Literacy Council, The Mighty Gobbler 5K and more.”
Many of the activities for which Kemp Klein has been recognized have been made possible by the Kemp Klein Foundation. The Kemp Klein Foundation was started in 1994. Everyone at Kemp Klein is encouraged to be involved from hands-on volunteer opportunities to paying to participate in casual Fridays. The Kemp Klein Foundation is funded via proceeds from casual Friday donations and contributions from the firm. Since its inception, the Foundation has contributed over $1,000,000 to hundreds of worthwhile causes which reflect the shared values of the individuals at Kemp Klein.
Read more about our dedication to Community Involvement:

How to Add Two Paragraphs to Your General Powers of Attorney So You Can Cure Defects in Your Form 2848 and Represent Clients Before the IRS
–Published in LISI Financial Products Planning Newsletter – Archive Message #3107, March 7, 2024

Edward Nahhat Visits Clawson Middle School
Mr. Nahhat recently visited Clawson Middle School to give a speech about leadership. His speech focused on the twelve habits of great leaders and how children may become more successful in life by applying these habits.
The students sent this letter to show their appreciation.
This is Mr. Nahhat’s second visit to Clawson Middle School. He previously spoke to their Plan for Success Class.
Learn more about Mr. Nahhat: