Kemp Klein


Clawing Back Nonprobate Transfers to Satisfy Allowances and Claims – An Important Role for Estate Planners

-Published in Michigan Probate & Estate Planning, Winter, 2022



Committing Common Law Crimes While Practicing Tax Law



Unexpected Values
-Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, Archive Message #22, December 12, 2022



How to Beat the IRS in Michigan With Just a Few Words

– Published in Steve Leimberg’s Estate Planning Email Newsletter, Winter 2022




A Message from Brian H. Rolfe

The past few months have reminded me of what a wonderful group of people we have that work at and are associated with Kemp Klein. Our first charity golf outing was a resounding success with special thanks and gratitude to our clients, friends, and vendors as well as hardworking Kemp Klein team members. In addition to their efforts at the golf outing, our attorneys and staff have been out in the community doing a variety of interesting and impactful things. Whether they’re donating meals, writing books, supporting a national stage production, or winning top awards, these folks make us all proud to be part of the Kemp Klein team.



Squeezing Every Penny Out of the Uncertain Estate Tax Unified Credit
– Published in Michigan Probate & Estate Planning Journal, Summer 2022



Why State Optional Community Property Statutes Can Be Easily Challenged by the IRS
– Published in Michigan Tax Lawyer, State Bar of Michigan Taxation Section, Summer 2022



All Our Rights Came From Tax Disputes
– This article was written for Leimberg Information Services. Leimberg provides Estate Planning, Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning, Business Entities, Asset Protection Planning, Financial Planning and Charitable Planning Newsletters. They also provide LawThreads®, Actual Text, State Laws, US Code Searcher, and Supersearcher tools.



Is the IRC Section 6695A Appraiser Penalty Only About Money or Is It About Something Else?

– Published in Michigan Probate & Estate Planning Journal, Winter 2022



A Message from Brian H. Rolfe

I hope everyone is having a safe and relaxing summer. As usual, it has been busy around the Kemp Klein offices. Please help me welcome two attorneys who joined the firm this month: William E. Haines II and Neal Nusholtz. I would also like to congratulate Joseph P. Buttiglieri, Alan A. May and Ron Nixon on their recent court victories and accomplishments.
In this issue of the Commentator, we highlight our Alternative Dispute Resolution practice. This area of the law continues to heat up as clients increasingly choose to manage disputes outside of court. Our mediators are highly skilled and have excellent reputations in the courtroom setting as well as the ADR arena.
There are many great things happening at Kemp Klein this summer and we plan to continue this momentum throughout the rest of the year.