Kemp Klein


The Prompt and Certain Collection of Delinquent Taxes

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, September 2016



Tax Law History – How John Adams Won John Hancock’s Tax Trial

-Published in Journal of the American Revolution, August 2016



Infectious Tax Liabilities

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, May 2016



Valuation Concerns Under Section 7403 

-Published in Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, March / April 2015



Michigan Tax Lawyer – Beware of Being a Preparer

-Published in Michigan Tax Lawyer, SBM Taxation Section, Fall 2012



Federal Tax Liens of One Spouse in Divorce

-Published by Michigan State Bar in The General Practitioner, July / August 2012



Tax Law, Economics, and Constitutional Rights

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, October 1998



A Brief Review of the History of the Deficit and Tax Reform

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, July 1995



Swearing About Taxes

-Published in Michigan Bar Journal, November 1993