Kemp Klein


In re Eyde Trust





Every month I summarize the most important probate cases in Michigan. Now I publish my summaries as a service to colleagues and friends. I hope you find these summaries useful and I am always interested in hearing thoughts and opinions on these cases.

Alan May is a shareholder who is sought after for his experience in guardianships, conservatorships, trusts, wills, forensic probate issues and probate.  He has written, published and lectured extensively on these topics.

He was selected for inclusion in the 2007 and 2008 issues of Michigan Super Lawyers magazine featuring the top 5% of attorneys in Michigan and has been called by courts as an expert witness on issues of fees and by both plaintiffs and defendants as an expert witness in the area of probate and trust law.  He is listed by Martindale-Hubbell in the area of Probate Law among its Preeminent Lawyers.



Kemp Klein is pleased to welcome several new attorneys who joined our firm this fall

Casey W.Callahan

Casey W. Callahan is an associate practicing in the areas of estate planning, business and corporate planning, and post-death administration. Casey assists businesses, families, and individuals in achieving the best possible legal outcomes by counseling his clients and giving a voice to his clients’ concerns. He is particularly experienced in working with clients to establish and implement estate plans tailored to their goals.

Edwin B.Sadik

Ed Sadik counsels individuals and businesses in tax planning, estate planning, and transactional matters. Ed is a shareholder of the firm and brings talent, focus, and experience to his legal practice, giving him an edge when obtaining optimal results for his clients. His experience also includes advising trustees and successfully representing clients in highly contested litigation.

Stavroula M.Varlamos

Stavroula (Stavi) M. Varlamos is an associate attorney, specializing in probate litigation. With a commitment to honesty and an outgoing, open personality, Stavroula is dedicated to assisting her clients with handling the litigation process and serving their unique needs. Working alongside experienced Attorney Joseph P. Buttiglieri, Stavroula aims to expand her skill set and work tirelessly to understand the needs of both businesses and individual clients. Stavroula’s natural eye for detail and her talent for handling legal disputes has led her to become a promising probate litigator. She has a strong focus on meeting the demands of her clients to deliver consistent and positive results.



Faith Gaudaen has a successful track record with conflict resolution in the areas of contract negotiations, business ownership disputes, employment issues, real estate matters and family disputes over elder care and will/trust administration. Clients and colleagues appreciate Faith for her calm, experienced presence throughout negotiations.



Digital Legacies: A Modern Necessity in A Digital World

With so many hours spent on email, social media and other internet activities, it might feel as if your whole life is lived online. But have you ever wondered what will happen to your accounts and photos when you pass away? How will loved ones communicate about your passing, access photos of you, or wrap up unfinished business? The simple answer: you can leave instructions describing your wishes.

Written instructions in your estate planning documents can help your executor or trustee access your digital legacy post-death. A digital legacy may include accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter as well as blogs, licensed domain names, music, photos, files you store online and access to financial accounts.

In recent years, laws have been enacted to facilitate the transfer in ownership of digital accounts. The most notable of which for Michigan residents is the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (“RUFADAA” or the “Act”). This Act provides individuals an ability to empower a fiduciary – such as an executor or trustee – to receive disclosure of the individual’s digital assets from the entity that runs or operates the account (also known as the “custodian” of the account). For example, Apple is the custodian of iCloud.

Under the Act, a properly empowered fiduciary would have the ability to petition the account’s custodian for access to the deceased’s account and its contents. Critically, the access granted pursuant to RUFADAA must be in the form of the deceased individual expressly authorizing access within their will, trust, or power of attorney.

The process of efficiently and adequately transferring many digital assets is still in its infancy. With this in mind, there are proactive steps an account owner should take while still alive to expedite access to digital accounts once deceased. For example, it is one thing to have the legal authority to gain access to an account, and quite another to have current direct access with username and password to identify and unlock the account. Thus, it is advantageous to also provide the fiduciary with login information for digital accounts.

Putting login names and passwords in writing does not come without a degree of risk, and caution should be utilized in sharing this sensitive information. If you have concerns about providing your fiduciary with account login information while you are still living, you should discuss safeguard options with your estate planning attorney. At a minimum, the fiduciary should have a username, or the equivalent, to identify the account in question to petition for access.

While the RUFADAA is useful, it is even more advantageous if the fiduciary does not have to rely on the Act at all. This can be done by using online tools directly through the account custodian. These online tools are a relatively new phenomenon but are becoming increasingly commonplace, as account custodians grapple with how to adequately balance account owner privacy against many owners’
desires to transfer digital accounts and contents once the owner is no longer living.

The functionality of these online tools varies from custodian to custodian, but the intent broadly remains the same. At its core, an online tool provided by a custodian allows an account’s owner to identify individuals that are permitted to access the owner’s account in the event of the owner’s death.

One of the more robust versions of this can be found in Google’s Inactive Account Manager. There, the account owner can decide on a time period of inactivity, at the end of which the Inactive Account manager kicks in. The owner also identifies up to ten people that are to be notified once the period of inactivity has run. The tool applies to all Google products, meaning that the owner can choose which of the identified people receive access to which accounts.

Another notable online tool is the Apple iCloud Digital Legacy, a recent addition to Apple software. There, the iCloud account owner can choose up to five people that can access and download the account’s data after the owner’s death. This has been a highly sought-after feature because users often store the bulk of their pictures in the cloud, often making those memories difficult to access following the death of the account owner.

As our lives become further documented online, it is imperative that you work with your estate planning attorney to ensure digital accounts are included in a comprehensive estate plan. A combination of proper estate planning techniques and use of custodian online tools will help to ensure your digital legacy is accessible to your loved ones.

To see how our Estate Planning Group can assist:

For further information regarding these matters, please contact Mr. Callahan at 248 740 5683 or via email.



What to Know About Gun Laws In The Wake of Oxford

In late 2021, Michigan was shaken by the Oxford High School shooting. The tragedy of that event has sparked debate around firearm ownership, use, storage, and the potential for liability. Heated discussions are occurring on the state and federal levels.

Numerous bills by Michigan Democrats and Republicans were introduced in the 2021 session. Proposed changes range from requiring universal background checks to repealing the pistol registry to allowing residents to concealed carry without a permit.

It can be a dizzying experience trying to follow the debate over firearm legislation. So, we prepared an overview of proposed legislation at the federal and state levels as well as a brief comparison to Michigan’s current firearm laws.

On the Federal Level:
In late December 2021, U.S. Representative Elisa Slotkin of Michigan’s 8th Congressional district promised to introduce what has been called the “Safe Guns Safe Kids Act.” In the press, she has said the Act would seek to impute liability and criminal penalties upon gun owners that do not secure their firearms. Slotkin has stated “If a child goes on to commit a crime or hurt others, you could be liable, you could be held accountable criminally for up to five years in prison.” Locally, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel released a statement in support of the Act.

On the State Level:
In Michigan, a number of new bills have been introduced in the House and Senate.
House Bills 5627 and 5628 as well as Senate Bills 785 and 786 seek to prohibit the sale or possession of a magazine capable of holding over 10 rounds. Violation of these bills, should they become law, amount to a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500.00 or 90 days in jail. However, a subsequent violation would be categorized as a felony, punishable of up to a $5,000.00 fine or two years in prison. A person who already owned a magazine exceeding 10 rounds would be able to keep it so long as it was reported to the person’s local law enforcement agency. Currently, Michigan has no specific laws which place a limit on magazine capacity.

Much like Slotkin’s proposal, House Bills 5066 and 5069 as well as Senate Bills 550 and 553 have been introduced to require anyone who stores a firearm in an area that may be accessible by a minor to (a) secure the firearm with a locking device; (b) store it in a lock box; or (c) “keep it in a location that a reasonable person would believe is secure”. If these bills were to become law, a failure to abide by them would be a felony punishable of up to 5 years in prison if the minor uses the firearm to hurt, injure, or kill anyone, including themselves.

Currently, Michigan has no specific law regarding storage of firearms. However, MCL 28.435 does require that any licensed Federal Firearms Dealer include (a) a commercially available trigger lock or (b) other device designed to prevent discharge or (c) a commercially available gun case or storage container to prevent access to the firearm when the dealer sells a firearm.

Senate Bills 454-456 as well as House Bills 4869-4871 seek to impose a universal background check for anyone attempting to purchase a firearm. This legislation would extend a licensing process currently only utilized for handguns (pistols). Michigan currently has no specific licensing requirement for purchase of a long gun.

Alternatively, Senate Bills 489-492 and House Bills 5364-5367 seek to allow residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. This type of structure for a state is colloquially known as a “constitutional carry.” Currently, Michigan requires a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Senate Bills 646-648 and House Bills 5312-5314 are aimed at repealing the Michigan Pistol registry. The bills also seek the destruction of existing records unless held for an ongoing criminal matter or civil lawsuit. Michigan currently requires that handguns be registered with the county or police.

State Level Bipartisan Bills:
Senate Bill 678-679 and House Bill 5371-5372 seek to prohibit any individual that is convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor from possession of a gun or ammunition for 8 years from the date of (a) payment of all fines and (b) completion of any jail time or probation.

No matter what side of the proposed legislation you are on, there are some basic safety techniques that can be used when dealing with firearms. The Michigan Department of State Police has issued some guidance on use and storage of a firearm in the home environment.

These tips include:

  1. Having a discussion with family members regarding safe and unsafe use
  2. Treating every firearm as if it is loaded
  3. Unloading a firearm when it is not in use
  4. Keeping ammunition and the firearm out of the reach of children
  5. Using proper eye and ear protection when using a firearm

Throughout 2022 we may see some movement on a few of these proposals. Many of us will be watching closely. We hope that everyone has a safe and prosperous new year.

When questions or concerns arise about legislation, all citizens have the option to write or call local representatives. Contact information for Representatives can be found at: SOM – Legislature Contacts (

For further information regarding these matters, please contact Mr. Probst at 248 740 5680 or via email.



Remembering George W.Gregory

Sadly, Kemp Klein is starting off the year with an unexpected loss.  Our friend and shareholder, George Gregory, passed away very suddenly on Tuesday, January 4th.  

The reactions to George’s passing from his colleagues here at the office were all very similar.  It was said repeatedly that George was a good lawyer, a good man, and was kind and generous with his time and talent.  He was a hard worker, but never too busy to discuss an issue and offer excellent legal advice. On a personal level, George was always interested in the lives and families of everyone here at our office. He spoke of his wife, Lorraine, son, Frederick (“Eric”), and granddaughter, Rosalind, often and with pride. 

If there is any positive to be found in this news, it is that George was doing work that he loved for many years, although too few, through the end of his life. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army.  After his military service, George attended college, earned his CPA in 1976 and subsequently went on to law school, starting his legal career in 1980. He had a wealth of knowledge and experience that will very much be missed, but not nearly as much as his larger than life, friendly personality.

Due to the intensity of COVID cases, a memorial service will be scheduled at a later date.



A Message from Ralph A.Castelli Jr.

There are are 206 million daily active users on Twitter, over 280 million daily active users on Snapchat, over 500 million people accessing Instagram daily, and nearly two billion users logging into Facebook every day. There are social media users who post photos of their avocado toast from brunch, and then there are users who share content with wider implications. Austin Probst uncovers some of these social media pitfalls in his article discussing a recent supreme court case.

Also in this issue, Amy Stawski shares considerate and thoughtful pointers for anyone who finds themselves in a supporting role when a friend or family member is going through divorce.

In firm news, I offer a warm welcome to new additions to our firm, attorneys Austin Probst and Beth Schlosser. I also extend congratulations to my colleagues who received recent recognitions from Super Lawyers and Best Lawyers.

Best Wishes,



Kemp Klein is pleased to welcome the following attorneys who joined our firm this summer.

Austin W.Probst

We welcomed Austin W. Probst to our firm this spring and he has been an exciting addition to our team. Austin focuses his representation on families and individuals in resolving a wide variety of probate and civil disputes as well as estate planning and Medicaid planning matters. 

Beth Schlosser

Beth Schlosser recently joined our probate and guardianship group to manage court appointed Guardianships, Conservatorships, and decedent’s estates. She is talented in the areas of estate planning and probate law, and we are thrilled to have her onboard.



Family Matters: How To Help a Friend or Family Member Who is Considering or Going Through a Divorce

There comes a time when a person considering or going through a divorce decides to break the news to friends or family. There are certain things you can do if a friend or family member decides to confide in you:

  • Listen. The first (and often, best) thing that you can do is listen; in my more than 30 years dedicated to the practice of family law, my clients tell me that the people they hold most dear months – and even years – later, are the ones who were there to “lend an ear” when it was most needed.
  • Let them talk. Don’t interrupt; let them tell you what they want to tell you before you ask any questions.
  • Offer non-judgmental support. When it’s time for you to speak, offer support without judging the person or the potential/soon-to-be ex-spouse. Most people are feeling exceptionally fragile at this time; saying things like “I thought something was going on” or “it’s about time” might make you feel better momentarily, but it may be damaging to the person who still feels ambivalent. After all, it has to be an individual decision and by offering support – rather than judgment – you can encourage individual decision-making without the interference of your opinion.
  • Don’t compare. You won’t be doing the person any favors if you make pronouncements about others’ divorces as if one divorce can be closely analogized to another. Every divorce is fact-specific and dependent upon any number of variables, including income, property, children, length of the marriage, and so much more.
  • Keep things confidential. Don’t betray the person’s confidence by telling friends or family members what you just heard. If they want other people to know, they will decide who to tell, and when. This is not your news to share.
  • Be the friend they’re counting on you to be. If this same person just received a serious medical diagnosis, you’d probably tell them to get a second opinion from a qualified expert. That’s also good advice for anyone considering a divorce. Knowledge is power, and lack of knowledge can keep a person in an unhealthy, stagnant situation. Encourage the person to seek professional legal advice. That’s because relying on opinions of those without legal experience – however well intentioned – may unintentionally and needlessly exacerbate the situation. An initial, no-cost, fact finding discussion with a Family Law attorney will help them get a sense for what they can reasonably expect in terms of options, end results and cost.

My number one priority as a family law attorney is to help my clients understand the divorce process and the impact of their decisions will have on them and on any children they may have. After that, it’s to help them achieve the best possible outcome going forward. People need to seek information related to his or her particular case, and not rely upon lay opinions, stories based on dissimilar facts, or the internet.

Note: This article is not intended to take the place of legal counsel, nor should it be considered personal legal advice. It is solely intended to provide information about the issues that may arise when contemplating divorce. Call for an appointment and I will be pleased to have a preliminary discussion with you about your specific situation.

For further information regarding these matters, please contact Ms. Stawski at 248 619 2590 or via email.