Kemp Klein


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and The Importance of Relationships

The shift to AI has dominated headlines in 2023.  It is extraordinary to witness the impact of AI in all industries.  Many law firms are moving critical functions to AI in an effort to become more efficient and for cost savings.   At Kemp Klein, we acknowledge AI’s current and coming role, but we also believe AI will never replace one of our core values and what we believe has made Kemp Klein special for over 50 years.  We value relationships.  We strive to not only serve our clients at the highest level, but we want our clients to know that we value them as individuals in a way AI is not capable of and never will be.  As an example, I can’t tell you the number of times one of our team has stayed after hours to talk with a client or attorney to complete critical work, and to make sure deadlines aren’t missed. 

AI is not able to talk with a client who is in distress, understand their needs with compassion, and give clients the attention they deserve.  AI is not able to celebrate the milestones in our clients’ lives and provide comfort during the difficult times.

We do see an opportunity to utilize AI to enhance our services and assist our team but we will never shift our emphasis on service, trust and most importantly relationships.

Picture of Brian H. Rolfe

Brian H. Rolfe


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