Kemp Klein


Brian Jenney Sponsors The 2023 Mighty Gobbler 5k and 1 Mile Run / Walk

On behalf of Kemp Klein, Brian Jenney is supporting The Mighty Gobbler 5k and 1 Mile Run / Walk. We have been a proud supporter of this event for many years.

The Mighty Gobbler 5K and 1 Mile Run / Walk takes place on November 23, starting at 8:30 am for the 1 Mile fun run/walk and 9:00 am for the 5K. The race will begin at Lutheran Church of the Master, 3333 Coolidge Hwy., in Troy. The course winds through neighborhoods and commercial areas, and is a mixture of roads and sidewalks.

The event benefits three local charities Micah 6 Community, Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers and Troy People Concerned. Micah 6 Community serves Pontiac residents through programs that increase their access to fresh food; promote economic development; stabilize neighborhoods; and provide spiritual and emotional support. Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers makes it possible for older and disabled adults to enjoy independence and quality of life through a network of supported, prepared and fulfilled volunteers. Troy People Concerned is a service organization supporting Troy residents in time of need with assistance, information and referrals.

For more information about the event:



Edward Nahhat visits Clawson Middle School's Plan for Success Class

Kemp Klein Attorney Edward Nahhat recently visited Clawson Middle School’s Plan for Success Class and shared the story of how he is able to find a way to keep his passions as part of his life. He shared his dream of bringing outdoor theatre to his community, and twenty-some years later, Shakespeare Royal Oak is still going strong at Starr Park each summer.

Everyone from the class wrote him this kind letter.

We are proud of the commitment our team has to community involvement.

Learn more about Mr. Nahhat:



In Re Ronald Schaddelee Irrevocable Trust: Is a Trust a Contract and What If It Is?

Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, August 23, 2023



Standing to Contest a Subsequent Testamentary Document

Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, August 21, 2023



An Explanation as to Why Having Powers of Withdrawal as an Alternative to Distributions Should be Included in Your Trust Repair Toolkit

Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, July 19, 2023



The Litigating Lawyer’s Right of Privacy and the Work Product Doctrine

Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, June 22, 2023



Brian Jenney Sponsors The Community House of Birmingham's 90 & Beyond Celebration Luncheon

On behalf of Kemp Klein, Brian Jenney is supporting the 2023 90 & Beyond Celebration Luncheon by The Community House Birmingham. Mr. Jenney has sponsored this event in the past and remains an active supporter of the Community House Foundation.

The 90 & Beyond Celebration Luncheon celebrates, honors and thanks citizens who have reached 90 years of age and beyond for their personal and professional contributions to the community.

For more information about the event:



Revenue Collection and the Slippery Slope. How all of our Rights came from Tax Disputes

-Published on Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Website, April 2023



ADR Provisions in Business Agreements—So Many Choices—So Little Time

Michigan Bar Journal, Summer 2016



The Useful Life of a Movie: An Example of How the Tax Law Works (or Doesn’t Work)

-Published in Steve Leimberg’s Financial Products Planning email Newsletter, March 27, 2023